- Kid Rock, you deserve your own blog post.
- Having Stevie Wonder perform with the Jonas Brothers seems like it's taking advantage... of his kindness.
- Also, I was ok with what they were doing until they went into "Superstition"
- Jere = Not a fashion critic. But I do believe Estelle wore a trash back dipped in glitter for her performance with Kanye.
- blink-182 is back! I don't have to suffer through AVA anymore!
- Yay for giving Robert Plant awards!
- MIA is gonna burst...
- Nice to see the Grammys pussied out on her doing "Paper Planes" in full
- Why do they have actors introduce artists? Well, at least Paul McCartney is up next...
- Wow... Macca can still hit those high notes.
- ...ok, why is Jack Black intr-... I almost wrote that until I remembered Tenacious D. I don't care if The Pick of Destiny was just OK. Kyle and Jack need to get back on that.
- John Mayer won?? Who'da guessed!?? John Mayer and the Foo Fighters are such golden boys for the Grammys, I'm surprised the show hasn't forced the two together... yet.
- Gwenyth Paltrow introducing Radiohead: What a twist!
- Samuel L. Jackson being introducted by the "Shaft" theme would've been cooler if not for his Shaft remake.
- Get rid of the Grammy president's speech. He's killing my JT-related buzz. He's got no enthusiasm, he's a corporate $hill, he's got no charisma, and he comes out once a year close to Groundhog Day.
- Sweeeeeeet Car-o-liiine...
- C'mon, Grammys. Let's not kid ourselves. Plant/Krauss are getting album of the year.
- Wait... Lil Wayne AND Allen Toussaint? Oh hellz yeah!!!
- How do you make Weezy suitable for prime time? Give him hype man duties, of course!
- As much as I believe we must stop this will.i.am thing, it's kind of adorable that he and T-Pain have matching suits
- Oh, Green Day's new album has a name now. Good for them.
- Plant/Krauss won... who called it!? WHO CALLED IT!?!?!
- Stevie Wonder closing the show? And not a Jonas in sight... great way to end the night.
Good night, y'all!