Sunday, August 9, 2009

Amadou & Mariam - Welcome to Mali

If enough people tell you something's good, why not check it out? This album was the top-reviewed album on Metacritic for 2008. Does it live up to that hype? Perhaps not, but what could? So far, after a few listens, individual songs don't seem to stick, but the sound does. And that's not to say I don't like it (my impression of The Arcade Fire is similar). It's such an exuberant listen, filled with chanting, quietly skillful guitars and subtle electronica elements, how can one turn against it? Reviews are useless against this kind of music. Much like the Stevie Wonder's "The Duke," it's impossible to listen to it and feel unhappy.

1 comment:

Garrett said...

Hey jere, have you heard Amadou and Mariam's "The Magioc Couple" yet?