Friday, January 23, 2009

Bruce Springsteen: Helluva Guy

I heard through the grapevine that Bruce Springsteen has a new album and a Superbowl performance coming up, complete with Rolling Stone cover story. In celebration, I reveal 10 little-known facts about The Boss here:

  • Springsteen's patriotism knows no bounds. He created every American monument in the history of the country. Then, out of sheer humility, he credited other people. What guy!
  • Bruce Springsteen's music is so magnanimous the state of New Jersey was created to contain it. Jersey sucks so much because The Boss goes on tour a lot.
  • Springsteen concerts can last so long some people age visibly during them.
  • No one truly in the working class has been able to afford to see Springsteen since approximately 1987.
  • Federal Law bans Bruce Springsteen, Bono and Nas from being in the same church. Parishioners would would be trapped forever in a maze of Messianic imagery.
  • Bruce uses the same alphabet as English translations of a Bible. This is a subtle hint that he was sent to Earth to save music through his piledriving arena rock and occasional acoustic ballads.

Jokes aside, I do like the man's music, and I'm sure the album's fine.

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